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WF_Prime_Portal – 1.png

WF Prime Portal

WF Prime Portal is a prime financing service for alternative asset managers.  WFPP understands the unique needs of alternative asset managers and delivers a full suite of prime brokerage services.

Client: Major Finance Institution
Platform: Web 
UXUI Lead: James Hwang
UX Contribution
UX Research Contribution
UI Design
UI Strategy
Interactive Design
Collaboration Team With
Product Team
UX Partners
Research Partners
Business Partners
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  • The Prime Portal Service is an 18-year-old portal and needs an update

  • WF Prime Portal is not brand-aligned

  • WF Prime Portal needs to integrate core applications

  • ADA Compliance issues

  • Alignment with current WF Wholesale & Capital Markets digital experience

  • Consolidate with the 2019 delay launch of redesign WFSS MVP

  • Reduce service calls, and reduce Mid-office activities by WF Prime Portal being a self-starter


Solution Highlight

  • Design Thinking services process to reimagine and redesign WF Prime Services with digital business objectives.

  • They embedded domain knowledge to enrich user personas and user journeys with a deep understanding of their business needs.

  • Best-in-class UX design deliverables ready for implementation and release

  • Enhancing services to speed up future releases of the minimum viable product (MVP).



WFPP Before The Update

Features are not organized because new features add up on top of 18 years-old application without any feature management process.


WFPP After The Update

Based on the user journey flow and user persona of Portfolio Manager.


User Journey with Emotions Mapping

Everyday Needs for Portfolio Manager

In a highly volatile market scenario, the user must keep track of the portfolios and take appropriate actions.

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Creative Process

Continue to work through some UX issues within the UX team or have a workshop to find a solution.


Options for global navigation and main portfolio filter idea


WFPP Wireframes are close to the size and space of the final design.


Landing Page with MegaMenu Opened

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Reports Page

Canned Reports - Selection.png

Holiday and Deadlines Page

Wire Transfer - Holiday and
The Final Design

Based on successful WFPP frameworks' integrity, the new design is ready for users' challenges by giving more self-starter control over the user and trailer to today's user's multifunctional needs.




Usability Tests



Design Iteration 1 of 7


Landing Page - Dashboard


Mega Menu - Other Services

WF_Prime_Portal_Dark – Mega Menu Option

Report Page - Security Details

Reports – IQReport Page – View Details –

Securities Lending Page - Historical Locates


Setting Page - Theme

Main Takeaways

The client's request for the project was to update the 18-year-old WF Prime Portal application, which started with the internal team, but the project turned out to have deeper issues to fix than the request. During the research, interview, and shadow walk through the application with users, we found the application was too heavy with duplicate features and hard to find critical functions that request service help from the sales team and mid-office, affecting team management. I've seen the launch of the MVP application successfully. The solution was the provider's flexible global navigation to push content to a user daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly with the user's persona to organize the targeted user's critical features on updating the MVP WFPP application. However, due to COVID-19, the project has been shortened by delivering the MVP without user activity testing after the launch.

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