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PET and I

It’s difficult to travel safely with your pet.  We can help!

The platform gives quick and convenient services to find professional care providers, hosts, local pet-related information, events, and products.


Scattered pet related services 
Currently, the user has to do searches for information, booking a service, finding a host because all services are in a silo.
No user-friendly pet service management tool
There are high demands for a pet service management starter kit for new pet service entrepreneurs.
Pet parents need convenient services
Pet parents need an advocate. (like a pet travel agent)

Solution Check List

Leveraging best practices from industry
“Open Kitchen” - Optional transparent communication service
  • Share past customer experiences

  • Highlighting pet care providers

  • Check and balance for rating

Convenient service - Concierges 
Pet ambassadors
Client: PET and I
Development: Ittanta
Platform: Web

Co-Founder, UX Lead: James Hwang
Co-Founder, UX/UI Designer: Frances Ko
Development Director: Doug Zhou
Creative Direction
Brand Creation
UX Strategy
Interactive Design
Visual Design
Product Thinking


Create a Platform that gives quick and convenient services to find professional care providers, hosts, local pet-related information, events, and products.

Insights and Research

We put in on the whiteboard.

We put everything on the board - nothing behind - to show all pet services, along with an end to endpoints, delivery models,  registrations, signups, user migrations and journeys, personas, service models, and use-cases with leading roles and procedures.


Strategy workshop for MVP of PET and I Service Offerings:  Gather service offerings, assess user assumptions, review business requirements, discuss technology support, and review end-to-end experience touchpoints.

Pet Travel Engagement Mental Model
Trends in Pet Travel.png

Research on Trends in Pet Travel: Overall high demand on pet travel but​ Bad experiences and frustration over the difficulty of traveling as pet owners.

Although owners who are attached to their pets may be motivated to bring their pets on vacation, they are aware of the difficulties. For this reason, this app addresses the challenges and offers solutions.

Pet-friendly travel is expanding very fast.

The number of emotional support animals on commercial flights

jumped 74% from 2016 to 2017.

Pet parents prefer  smaller dogs.

We need better and easier  

travel service for pets.

Participant 3                

Market Research and findings

User on-boarding IA flow

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On-boarding wireframe flow



High Fidelity Comps


19of the 30+ module types created for MVP

Pet and I Home Copy.png

Final home page

Vail location Copy 5.png

Journey detail page

Vail location Copy 3.png

Service provider communication page

High Fidelity Comps.png

Final key high-fidelity comps

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